"Because we believe in equality for everyone?"
YES!!!!!!! Exactly. Equality is NOT a virtue, it is control. Free people are never equal and equal people are never free. In equality is not a bad thing. People just naturally work and achieve at different levels and there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is forcing people to think, act and perform at the same levels.
We are born equal but after that, in a free society, what we do with our lives is entirely up to us. I do not envy the rich, nor do I condemn the poor. I want everyone to live to the fullest potential of their lives and that just cannot ever be achieved in a system where equality is considered a virtue.
"That's not a fact, that's your opinion"
Opinion based on fact
"'The left' isn't Karl Marx"
Technically you are right. Karl Marx is Karl Marx. But the left draws all of their ideas and policies right out of Marxism. It is blindingly obvious. If they aren't getting their ideas from Marx then, wow, what a massively huge coincidence that is. Well, I guess maybe it's not really a coincidence after all. Marx got his ideas from Satan, so maybe the left are Satanists instead of Marxists. Oh well...same thing.
"So if everybody on the left despises morality, that would mean no one on the left has any morals, which would mean everybody on the left should be in prison at this very moment, right?"
Have you notice how few conservatives there are in prison? Actually you are taking things to an extreme. Just because someone is immoral does not mean they have done anything illegal. What it means is that because laws are based on morality the left is less inclined to care about the laws. This is exactly why whenever some leftist legislator passes some anti-gun bill nothing changes. In fact crime usually goes up because the left always punishes the innocent gun owners by making them targets for the criminals.
"You just accused people on the left of despising freedom and then you say that people should not have the maximum amount of freedom."
Well, yeah!! Only because it is true. We are much less free now than we were when I was young and we were less free when I was young then when my dad was young. Freedom started to disappear with the Progressives in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.