⏹️ "Kevdogg91 0 ups, <1h
Yup you got me. You have WAY more free time on your hands. Didn't realize just how important you think you are. I don't think I have much of an ego. Seems like you do though. Weren't you getting lost. Like hours ago"
▶️ "Kevdogg91 1 up, 4h
Didn't want to list the specifics, but it's an evasive answer. Period. I didn't ask for your input, I'm not even sure if I have seen one of your memes but you always seem to find mine. And I can have any pre conceived notions I want based on my interactions with you. If you stop interjecting yourself, then I probably wouldn't have them. K."
▶️ "Modda 1 up, 4h, 1 reply
"I'm not even sure if I have seen one of your memes but you always seem to find mine"
Um, who ARE you again?"
Heck, the only one that comes to mind when I looked at your name now is kevdex10.
Nothing personal (and I mean NOTHING), you're just another in a lagoon of indistinct Alt Righties here. I'm not exactly keeping a chart to tell apart otherwise identical memers.
Can we call this a wrap? This repetition begins to bore me a lot?"
▶️ "Kevdogg91 1 up, 4h
We have this conversation every time. You know nothing about me, but every so often bring up details of other encounters we've had. But yes I too am bored with this. That's a wrap"
▶️ "Modda 0 ups, 2h, 1 reply
Hate to rain on your ego, but, um, who are you again, for real?
A look at your profile indicates something of a lack of activity spread thinly over 4 yrs, so hate to say it, but your impact has been somewhat minimal a lot, and that includes on me."