Government's main function nowadays is to figure out new and creative ways to tax money that's already been taxed a dozen times or more. In true DNC / Orwellian style, they call this generating revenue, as opposed to what it really is; thievery from the individual.
The big new thing here in Taxifornia, and apparently soon in our nation's capitol (sadly, I'm watching you Liz Warren, and you Bernie Sanders!) is to tax unrealized income, e.g. your investments. So even if you haven't made a dime off them, they'll be taxed as net worth. And likely taxed again next year, and the year after, on into ad nauseum, until finally even when you sell, even with all those taxes piling up, and you lose money, you'll still be taxed on the "gain".
Then at the end, they tax it under your name one last time as it's transferred to someone else. Then keep right on taxing it into the future for those you left it to.
It never stops. Especially when fees are counted up and considered what they usually really are, which is just more taxes.
I guess the moral of the story is to do like the Big Guy does... get paid off the books by a foreign power, and never report it as income.