Moderate better, duh
Remove the 5 owner limit and make it that so after you get 5 owners it says something like "Hey! You already have 5 owners, are you really sure you want more?" and a yes and no answer, oh yeah and add a co-owner thing which is just owner but slightly worse
Be on the lookout for people who are obviously under 13 (either by personality or by literally saying it) an example for "personality" is if they just scream amogus memes every like 1 second or just obnoxious that they sound like they're under 13, but it has to be something like a warn like "Hello, we've reviewed your comments and it appears that your comments are really obnoxious and spammy, this leads us to think that you are under 13. So we'll give you 1 month to prove that you are over the age of 13, though if you fail, we will interview you to determine if you are really over 13 or not" the interview should just ask stuff that mostly teenagers know instead of under 13's, it should clear out some under 13's but there's a chance that one is just that mature that they just somehow know the answers, oh yeah and for the people who literally just say their underage just ask their age and threaten ban if they don't, then proceed to ban them until their age is 13+, for example
mod: "whats your age"
underage: "9"
mod: *ip bans (to ensure alts don't exist) underage until they are about 13, possibly 12 but about 13*