The reason why long replies dont work is because they give more info that what is required and are made to make you sound like some sort of wise sensei.
Second, all claims i make are correct. If they are not then prove it.
Third, if trump is not president then there is no reason to complain. Besides many Reps dont like Trump anyway, but they dont wish death upon him unlike the democrats.
Fourth, how is Trump a danger to democracy?
Fifth, republicans are not traitors. The Rep party is literally pro american. If anything modern dems are the traitors because:
-They allow illegal immigrants in the USA
-They care more about illegal aliens than their own american people
-They are trying to turn America, a country that was supposed to be filled with brave and strong soldiers fighting for freedom, into a safe space full of hippies.
-How are reps corrupt?
-Hillary is not president, for the moment. The problem is that Hillary has been proven to have lots of flaws and is waaay more narcissistic than Trump. So if she becomes president things might get even worse than during Biden's presidency.