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enjoy UwU | DEBATE | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
210 views 8 upvotes Made by Captain_Scar 3 years ago in IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS
6 ups, 3y,
8 replies
1) What are you running for?
2) Why are you running?
3) What problems do you want to address?
4) Do you take the stream seriously? Maybe too seriously?
5) What party are you in? Why that party?

6) Where do you stand on free speech?
7) Do you think IncognitoGuy should be permanently banned from the stream?
8) Should someone ever be permanently banned from the stream?

9) What are your thoughts on the impeachment process?
10) Would you ever want to impeach somebody?

11) How will you work with Congress/Senate?
12) What would you want to change about the structure/function of Congress/Senate?
13) Should there be a Senate?

14) How do you think voting should be done?
15) What do you think of the DMV? Should it exist?
16) Should Datdeus, Bufford, and other members of the “memechat empire” be banned from voting?

17) What would you do if a conflict within the stream starts?
18) Are you going to be active in the stream?
19) What would you do if you had full control of imgflip?
20) What are the best and worst things about this stream?
21) How would you rate the current administration?
22) How would you rate the current owner?
23) If you could choose anyone to be the next owner, who would it be?

24) Who is your favorite youtuber?
25) Is pineapple on pizza a misdemeanor or a felony?
26) Why is SurlyKong so smelly?
27) Who is the best stepdad?
28) Should anime exist?
29) Should there be a bank and should Sloth run it?
30) What is your ideology and where do you sit on the political compass?

31) Anything else you would like the voters to know?
4 ups, 3y,
3 replies
1. President
2. I'm running to make IP a better and more fun stream for everyone
3. If there is an Inactive Congress/Senate/Cabinet
4. I take it seriously because it's important to me
5. Imgflip of the Future Party/IOF. I choose to run with this party because it's mostly a libertarian party
6. I think freedom of speech is important because it allows people to speak freely about what they want and have their opinions on anything.
7. Maybe, unless he doesn't follow the TOS and using alts to avoid any of his bans
8. Maybe, unless they're doing something bad in the stream

9. it's this one them I'm fine with it because it's a fair impeachment prosscess
10. No, but unless they're breaking the TOS, IP constitution, or other.

11. I will try to get them active as much as I can and hold votes they can agree on
12. Add a few more congress/senate seats
13. Yes

14. Use the DMV
15. I think the DMV isn't that bad. Yes, it should exist.
16. Maybe.

17. I would stop any conflicts from happening and tell everyone
18. Yes as much as I can
19. IDK
20. The worst thing IMP is approval rates being slow
21. It's ok but it could be a little better
22. 10/10
23. Richard Chill

24. Dude Perfect
25. It should be considered a Felony
26. Maybe he hasn't taken a shower in a while
27. Envoy
28. Perhaps
29. Yes
30. I'm a right-wing libertarian, but there are too many ideologies, so I should take a look at some of them. (Take a look at the image in the comment, because idk if those are ideologies or not)

31. Do the voters trust me
4 ups, 3y,
1 reply
17. *Tell everyone to stop with the mass conflict and end it once and for all.
3 ups, 3y
Rise of Nation players:
4 ups, 3y,
2 replies
I unironically want to restore the kingdom of Jerusalem

but I won't be able to do that, Jesus will though :)
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
same but for the byzantine empire
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Well unfortunately that one isn't coming back
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
it's there

he wouldn't
0 ups, 3y
millennial reign
2 ups, 3y
i dont even know what Rhodesia is but sure ill restore it
3 ups, 3y,
2 replies
1. President
2. Because I'm the incumbent and I thought that I might as well try for re-election
3. I don't think of it so much as problems as I do things we could improve upon. But if re-elected, I would work to establish a point-currency system, and work to improve party relations.
4. Depends on what your definition of seriously is. If by seriously you mean that I'd give up my life outside IP, then no. But if by serious you mean I think this is a great stream and we should work to make it even better than yes.
5. Conservative party, because, well, I'm a conservative.

6. One of the most important rights that we have, should not be infringed upon for political purposes. The only real limit free speech that we should have is that we shouldn't shout "fire" in a crowded building.
7. No.
8. Depends, but probably not.

9. , It's okay, but we should use it like intended and with caution. We wouldn't want it to become a political weapon.
10. Not unless they did something absolutely horrible.

11. I'll propose stuff, they'll approve it, and if they do then I'll sign it. Pretty simple.
12. I think bills should write out everything that is proposed, instead of just a few words.
13. Yes, definitely.

14. I like the current system.
15. Yes, but if we're going for realism here then we need to make the process about 500 times more complicated.
16. No. That's just grassroots campaigning.

17. Try to solve it in the most peaceful way possible, trying to make a compromise between the two conflicting interests.
18. I mean, I have a life outside of IP, but if by active you mean post as often as you can, then yes.
19. Introduce a mod action appeal system, where you could appeal any comment timers, bans, etc.
20. Best thing is that exist in the first place, as I love this sort of thing. Worst thing is when people spam political ads that are pretty much just one PNG pasted over 50 different meme templates.
21.i ThInK I'm DoInG gReAt!
22. Eh I would say he's okay... There's nothing that the owner really does so I can't really comment.
23. Whoever volunteered...

24. I have a few: FreedomToons, Oversimplified, Half as Interesting, and (sort of) Drew Durnil. Oh yeah and people like Ben Shapiro, obviously. And sometimes occasionally I'll watch MrBeast.
25. It's DELICIOUS! My favorite topping.
26. Uhhh ...
27. *Confusion*
28. I mean, I'm personally biased against it, but if you want to watch it, I'm not stopping you...
2 ups, 3y
CLARIFICATION: my comment about the DMV is a JOKE...
2 ups, 3y
29. Yes, definitely! My campaign promise of a point -currency system works hand in hand with that. Sure, I don't care...
30. See image, although I don't trust Political Compass, as they (wheeze) list Joe Biden as (wheeze() Authoritarian Right, AKA the same quadrant that I am in. And I can tell you that that is just not true.

31. Yes. They should vote for me because I will work with the other parties and improve IP, and as the pineapple pizza question showed, I'm the honest candidate...
3 ups, 3y,
2 replies
alright, lets get that P.O.O.P.!
1. head of congress!
2. because i think that Im decent at solving conflict and have done so in the past,
3.well, first off, IG going nut from, and mostly everyone adressing out-of-stream conflicts
4. I think that this stream should be took to a maturity level where it still focuses on politics, and memes alike not in any party, IM A COLD BLOODED MAN (jk)

6. (in my personal opinion) i think that homophobic speech are fine TO A LIMIT, like saying "hey i dont really like gay people" is perfectly fine, but when you say "oh your gay? 122123.2332.334.43. (not a real IP) is not ok (basically when it gets to a personal level)
7. OK, IG has explained WHY hes a homophobe (for like christian purposes) so i think he SHOULDNT be banned, but if he slips up a couple more times, thats his fault (your lucky im vouching for ya man)
8. if they are blatantly causing problems and havoc multiple times then yes

9. I honestly think impeachment is one of those "needs to be taken outside of congress" things, like a community poll lets say,
10. like for number 8, if they blatantly, cause havoc then yes

11. congress AND senate should be replaced by active members of our community,
12. I would say the structure of our current congress and senate is ok, its the members we are dealing with people THE MEMBERS
13. yes, of course

14. yknow i feel like scar does WAY to much work for the voting ballots, i think we should just have a simple strawpoll or an alternative poll website
15. I think the DMV should exist, but only active members of our community should be issued licenses, (because you can be in like a big stream and win from your friends like beez did,)
16. from this and next cycle, yes

17. first i would gather both sides opinions, try to come up with a compromise, and if they still argue, i would issue a 12 hour ban so they get over it
18. hell yeah im gonna be active!
19. fine, ill be honest, id make it my mini empire, lets say half of it, then i would give the rest of the half to the public, and i would honestly get bored of it and return it to normal
20. best: how everyone in this community is ok with there personal opinions, worst: the alts and gang voters
21. from 1-10, like a 7
22. hes a good guy, not the best, but he is a great guy being honest
23.honestly, either surlykong, fartbutter, or fidlelsmooker, i think they both have their humble ways of running things

24. graystillplays or lets game it out: they are funny as HELL
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
PART II (because i ran out of space)

25.sadly, i love pineapple on almost anything (arrest me if you will)
26. the label of the turtle meat obviously said keep refrigerated! now he smells like spoiled meat!!
27. STEPDADOFTHEYEAR, i dont like it, but sure why not
29. there should be a bank, and yes, sloth should run it

30. welp there is only one thing you need to know, its that... IM A GOOFY GOOBER, ROCK
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
yo who's your VP?
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
im running HOC..
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
yeah my mistake...
1 up, 3y
its fine man
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
oh ok, i just thought it would be a huge hassle to get all those votes in
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
nah, just tally marks. The hardest thing is calculating congress seats, but that math is sorta just fun to me
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
k, also when is the last time you updated the official website? just wondering
0 ups, 3y
I have nothing to do with the website. Last I knew Jemy was going to run it
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
I think it's going to be a new thing though
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
whats going to be a new thing?
0 ups, 3y,
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like a wiki or something instead of what it is
0 ups, 3y
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Because IG wants me to and I couldn't care at this point
ehhh, used to but not anymore
the CP because its the only way I run for USA_Patriot

thats all from me, since these are the only important ones
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
What about 26? :(
0 ups, 3y
26 days till Christmas
2 ups, 3y
1) Vice President
2) Its fun, and I want to make this stream better
3) Corrupt officials, porn on Imgflip, etc
4) Yes, and no
5) Conservative Party, I'm a Christian Conservative
6) I'm all for free speech as long as it is not actually racist (Not the "EvErYtHiNg Is RaCiSt" that some people are spewing), hateful, etc.
7) No
8) Yes, if they were posting porn, or did some really bad stuff, etc
9) I think its pretty good.
10) Yes
11) I will take their advice seriously
12) I think it's good
13) Yes
14) The way it is now
15) The DMV should exist, but if it could work faster and not be so picky that would be great
16) I don't know, what is the "memechat empire" and why was it bad?
17) Attempt to resolve it by haering both sides and then solving it, hopefully, demacratically
18) Yes
19) Crack down on porn, actual racism, and make it more fun
20) Its fun, some people take it too seriously
21) Its good, 9/10
22) Kind of a dictator, but he's OK
23) I don't know, probably someone like myself or USA Patriot
24) BaronvonGames, Blitz, Bo Time Gaming, and others
25) Felony
26) He's a monkey, that's how monkeys smell
27) Yo mama
28) Depends, if its clean, entertaining, and I chose to watch it, its ok, but if its dirty, unentertaining, or it's being shoved down my throat, then I don't like it.
29) Why not
30) Republican, Capitalist
31) I will push to get us to rejoin the AAA Alliance if we haven't already, I am a moderator of an AAA stream, a member of the crusaders and the trooper brothers
3 ups, 3y
1. Head of Senate (I think)
2. To maintain the Conservative Party’s legacy and ensure the AAA’s geopolitical security
3. mainly I just want to keep the stream together
4. Yes, I take it seriously, but I have other priorities both on and offline
5. Conservative Party, because their predecessor, the RUP made an alliance with the AAA
6. Extremely important, free speech must be protected and is one of the greatest bulwarks against tyranny.
7. No
8. Only if they do something serious like spam us with p*rn, make death threats, flagrantly violate ToS, doxx someone’s personal data, or break the law IRL.
9. It’s ok, but not perfect
10. No, unless they do one of the things listed in answer 8.
11. Try to get good laws passed and attempt bipartisanship by supporting bills from other parties that might improve this stream without compromising CP’s fundamental beliefs.
12. Status quo is fine, maybe more Congress seats would be ok
13. Yes (definitely a conflict of interest, so take that with a grain of salt)
14. The old system of voting I liked best, but at the same time it was prone to abuse.
15. I don’t like it, but I’m not sure what to do without it. For now I guess it’s fine.
16. I don’t know what that is so I can’t answer
17. Try to get it resolved peacefully, preferably in a way that would be good for CP.
18. Yes, though I also have to do stuff in the AAA.
19. Repeal the five owner rule
20. Best things include the political parties, the friends I’ve made here, and the beautiful experience here. Worst things include drama
21. 10/10 (again, conflict of interest since I’m a part of it, take this with a grain of salt)
22. 8/10
23. Pollard or USA_Patriot76
24. Declined.
25. Realistically a misdemeanor, but if I somehow had full control of the government, it would be a felony for sure.
26. wut?
27. idk
28. No, but I don’t hate people who watch it (don’t like most of ‘em either, though)
29. No, Andrew Jackson was right on central banking, and honestly I don’t care who runs it, central bank BAD.
30. Libertarian Conservative, probably somewhere on LibRight quadrant.
31. God bless America
2 ups, 3y
1. President
2. See image (in all seriousness, just to make the stream less serious)
3. IncognitoGuy (lol, jk, probably the closure of Imgflip_Bank)
4. 50/50
5. Libertarian Party/ LIBERTY BABY (Also Big Brother is not based as he doesn’t support Liberty)
6. Only censor the necessary (like mudslinging violations and racist comments)
7. Depends
8. WhiteNat, obviously
9. It’s ok, but when the party leader puts rubber stampers who always approve his job and reject his impeachment, it can be flawed.
10. Depends
11. Congress would vote on Internal maters while Senate would vote on external matters.
12. Congress would remain put: The Senate would be reduced to 10 members.
13. Yes
14. I think the DMV should be scrapped in favour of returning to the old system, but with tighter regulations (so much for me being Libertarian, lol)
15. It’s ok, don’t really care if it exists or not.
16. Yes to Buford, but I have seen Datdeus around here, so 50/50 again.
17. Diplomacy, I am a pacifist and non-interventionist, so I prefer to stay out of wars, so I’ll try peaceful diplomacy.
18. Most of the time, yes, depends on the rest of the stream
19. Idk
20. Best: The competitive nature and roleplay of the stream. Worst: MemeChat Empire
21. Incognito: 0.5/10, Patriot 7/10, Pollard 5/10, F1Fan 7/10, Fak 3/10
22. Based and redpilled 8/10
23. SuGaS or Envoy
24. HITC Sport (well, the Irish one, not the ginger one)
26. Prolly farted after mixing Cabbage with Bananas
27. Envoy
28. Yes
29. Yes and depends
30. Classical Liberalism, and Center-Right to Moderate Lib Right
31. BIG BROTHER IS NOT BASED! (and I’m experienced)
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
1. HOS
2. Because there pretty much isn’t a Senate RN
3. The critical lack of dedicated bike lanes on this stream, and Imgflip generally
4. Yeah, a little, maybe
5. CSP because I was invited and felt N.E.R.D. Party had run its course
6. IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS is an incredibly diverse stream full of competing political views, seriousness, trolling, edgy dark humor, NSFW, spamming on occasion. So I think the stream should be modded according to the broadest interpretation of what Imgflip TOS allows. That said, there are some kinds of content like Nazi WhiteNat harassment that doesn’t comply even with a broad interpretation of Imgflip terms.
7. Nah, just banned from modding it, because he’s abused mod too many times.
8. WhiteNats and such should be permabanned, that’s it.
9. Impeachment is a way to roleplay about how to collect evidence and make an argument, even though it will likely never be successful due to the 2/3 supermajority requirement. So, just like real-life politics, basically.
11. Revitalize the Senate by holding votes or role-calls once a week, make it fun by including well-planned roleplay scenarios, events, those sorts of things
12. Again, build in a routine of activity, have a formal application process, and a mechanism for removing Senators for inactivity if they miss two weeks in a row (though we should also allow removed Senators to re-apply, if desired).

I’ll answer the rest later
2 ups, 3y
13. AYE
14. The current system seems to work well
15. The DMV is fun, useful and pretty hilarious honestly, I love it.
16. I don’t understand why those who rarely participate in the stream even bother voting. It’s at least better that they merely vote rather than try to be on Congress the way it used to be before proportional representation. They shouldn’t be banned from voting if they comply with the rules, but they should really think about whether voting is worth if for them, and parties (*cough cough* Conservative Party) should think carefully about over-relying on such voters.
17. Participate
18. Yeah, I’m here every day.
19. Idk
20. Best: it’s diverse and zany, you never know what you’re gonna find, and the roleplay election aspect is totally unique. Cons: All the conflict. But that’s also a pro so 🤷‍♂️
21. Post-IG’s ban, under USA_Patriot, this administration has been unobjectionable, though a little lacking on the roleplay front. Pre-IG’s ban, it was one of the worst in stream history.
23. Envoy, if he wants it.
24-31. I vigorously object to the unserious, trolling and offensive nature of these questions which I will not dignify with a response. 😎 (j/k I’m just running out of time)

I will say the IMGFLIP_BANK was interesting exercise, definitely fun to set up, but more of a hassle to run than it was really worth. If a bunch of people really petition for it, I could re-open it, but I’d reeeeeaaally like someone else to run it, lol. If I were elected HOS, I likely wouldn’t have time for it.
[deleted] M
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
6: (This is my opinion) I think free speech is the second most important thing in this stream right now because without free speech this stream will be Soviet Russia number 2, everyone in this stream has a right to express their selves on things, but no discrimination and homophobia, etc.
7: If he follows the TOS on imgflip I don't really care at all
8: Yes if they are a nazi or a communist aka tankies

9: I think the impeachment process is great for bad people who have broken the law in this stream and don't tolerate the rules at all.
10: Yeah if they ever did anything bad
[deleted] M
3 ups, 3y
11: I'll work with Congress and the senate with laws/bills that benefits the stream and the people of imgflip.
12: More active people, but if f1fan and I were elected we will build a stream for congress the official stream so we don't have to make a new stream every time there's a new congress in presidents, I think it's an annoying asf ngl.
13: Well of course who's gonna pass a bill if Congress votes it?
[deleted] M
4 ups, 3y,
1 reply
14: I think voting should be permanent for the people who have been in this stream for about 10 days straight if they have been posting and talking and communicating to everyone they could vote, but I don't think anyone new users who just the stream to vote for someone they know from a different stream shouldn't vote at all because that will be unfair for to the people who campaign hard in this stream to lose to someone who just got everyone on a different stream to vote for them.
15: sure
16: Maybe

17: I'll stop any conflict that happens in this stream I'll do anything I can to make peace with the individuals or streams.
18: Why don't really know at all because I have school to attend, but I'll try to stay active as I can.
19: Change it to imgflip weed :)
20: The best thing about this stream is the people that have fun roleplaying and having a great time doing it, the worst thing in this stream is the people who take this stream seriously all the time and start pointless drama for nothing at all.
21: 5/10
22: 10/10
23: fartbutter/stepdad/andrew.

24: Markiplier
25: misdemeanor
26: because he smokes weed everyday😏
27: stepdad :)
28: YES
29: Yes because imgflip_presidents needs currency, why you asked? Good Question scar, is because we need it to buy stuff aka weed. yes, I do think sloth should run imgflip_banks because he made the stream of course lol.
30: Center Left.

31: This will be my plan if I'm vice president.

First I'll get the new senate to pass a bill that will benefit the stream, this new Bill will be called the: Sanji plan: it will lower the cost of Health Care/ Prescription Drugs in hospitals and pharmacies. And it will higher wages in jobs for hard-working people that really need it. And it will build roads across imgflip so it will be easy/safer to travel. and'll build lots and lots of schools for kids who really want to go to school (their choice). and the bill will lower taxes Because who wants to pay lots for taxes? "no one" That's my plan for now
[deleted] M
3 ups, 3y
[deleted] M
3 ups, 3y
1: I'm running for vice president for f1fan
2: Because why not; Fidel says in a badass way
3: Well the only problem I wanted to address is why weed isn't legal in this stream? it's a beneficial drug that actually helps you.
4: No I don't take this stream seriously, it's just roleplay lol
5: I'm in the libertarian party with f1fan. The party is libertarian because of the name lol, we care about free speech and the people of imgflip_presidents and the legalization of WEED 🤪.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
25) Pineapple pizza is over-hated, it is a good combo, but it is usually because people consider fruit and meat bad, but tomato is a fruit and you put that in pizza, but then again, it is more savoury fruit, if that makes sense. I think it's also because it's paired with ham, and ham is a light meat, so you can taste all of the pineapple. if someone paired it with pepperoni, it could be more liked.
[deleted] M
0 ups, 3y
2 ups, 3y
2 to bring congress back to life and propose more and new ideas
3 the idleness of our previous rulers cp
4 seriously
5 im in the R.O.T but im running with the IOF bc it can give me a chance to be in the government for the first time
6 free speech is the power to say anything but free speech can be limited if it causes problems like making others uncomfortable or uneasy
7 yes no questions asked
8 unless they are as bad as IG then no
9 their fair everyone gets to vote if they want them out of office
10 not unless it threatened the streams government or they are ruling in an unfair way
11 by proposing new ideas and rules i think everyone would like
12 not a thing
13 yes, a senate is needed
14 thru a democracy and without much regulations to vote unless voters fraud is detected
15 the DMV should lower down on security a little bit its a bit threatening to new ppl
16 No
17 first couple of minutes to hours ill see if it settles on its own if not then ill intervein and ask them to either take it to DM's or i would just ask scar to do something
18 yes i am active
19 if i had control of imgflip i would propose ideas to staff and add them much faster than imgflip staff would do
20 the best thing about stream is the ppl in the stream the worst thing about stream is sometimes IG would just complain
21 the current administration is def around a 0 they have been idle ever since elected
22 10 out of 10 he's papi
23 i would keep it at scar
24 philosophy tube
25 felony
26 absolutely no clue
27 papi scar
28 depends on context hentai no anime that is for story purposes yes
29 i dont think we need a bank
30 extreme lib left anarcho communist/nihilist progressive
31 vote me for HOC
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
1) What are you running for? HOC
2) Why are you running? I'm sick of our HOC's who are only active during the campaign and hide the rest of the time.
3) What problems do you want to address? Hyper-inflation and voter fraud.
4) Do you take the stream seriously? Maybe too seriously? Too seriously. Except on Fridays.
5) What party are you in? Why that party? The [new] Libertarian party. It's a combination of F1's IUP & Tommy's Sanji Party and I've been working with those guys for a long time. They're good guys.

6) Where do you stand on free speech? I'm pro freedom of speech. But I'm pro EVERYONE'S freedom of speech, not just mine.
7) Do you think IncognitoGuy should be permanently banned from the stream? Yep. He's never gonna learn his lesson.
8) Should someone ever be permanently banned from the stream? Yep. I can think of a couple.

9) What are your thoughts on the impeachment process? It needs streamlined. It's currently being used as "impeachment process as the punishment." The constitution says trials cannot last longer than 48 hours. But our impeachments (purposely) take months.
10) Would you ever want to impeach somebody? Yes. If they went past a certain point. I think the bar is currently way too low, but there's definitely stuff that should get you impeached.

11) How will you work with Congress/Senate? I'll attempt to create weekly joint sessions every Monday and Friday to get more stuff done. Even if people just show up twice a week, it'll be an improvement.
2 ups, 3y,
2 replies
12) What would you want to change about the structure/function of Congress/Senate? We need to pass a minimum activity rule. You should lose your seat if you can't show up.
13) Should there be a Senate? Yes. Everyone who can't get a good Gov't job will want the Senate so they have a chance to have their say.

14) How do you think voting should be done? Only actual stream users should be voting.
15) What do you think of the DMV? Should it exist? The DMV sux. The lines are too long.
16) Should Datdeus, Bufford, and other members of the “memechat empire” be banned from voting? If voting is all they do, then yes.

17) What would you do if a conflict within the stream starts? Knife fight.
18) Are you going to be active in the stream? Maybe.
19) What would you do if you had full control of imgflip? Ads for mountain dew frostbite zero sugar. Lots of ads for mountain dew frostbite zero sugar.
20) What are the best and worst things about this stream? Best? Turtles. Worst? Not enough turtles.
21) How would you rate the current administration? Suprisingly good once Incontito was gone. USA patriot has been very effective.
22) How would you rate the current owner? 4 outta 10. Wouldn't bang.
23) If you could choose anyone to be the next owner, who would it be? I don't know. Probably Envoy again. He did fine.

24) Who is your favorite youtuber? Big Mac Davis
25) Is pineapple on pizza a misdemeanor or a felony? Felony. Should have a 12 year minimum prison sentence.
26) Why is SurlyKong so smelly? I only shower when I'm sober.
27) Who is the best stepdad? Envoy. Incognito deserved every beating he got from his stepfather!
28) Should anime exist? No. Talking animals? Space ships? Some kinda bright colors? Probably from the devil.
29) Should there be a bank and should Sloth run it? No one used the bank last term. We gotta figure out why. Sloth is one of only a few people who would be willing to run it. Too much work. I'd like to see different people run it every term. But like I said: too much work.
30) What is your ideology and where do you sit on the political compass? Very far right Libertarian. Way way further far right than anyone. I need my own f**king compass.

31) Anything else you would like the voters to know? Pepe party is still number one in the hood G.
2 ups, 3y
Note that some of those are joke answers. Yes, Incognito, I know: you can't tell the difference dew to that whole IQ thing...
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Here you go, or is it too moderate?
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Still too damn left wing. Lol.
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
What about now?
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Nope. Not far enough.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
How about now?
1 up, 3y
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