I don't know about you Charles, but this whole mess is a pretty damn good example, imo, of people who can look at a situation and apply even the smallest amount of critical thinking (aka common sense) vs. those who have a clear political agenda, and will do anything to achieve it.
From the very beginning many correct thinking people here on imgflip said all we needed to do was protect those in the high risk groups, then let everyone else take whatever precautions they feel are sensible, aka exercise freedom.
But instead, the left used covid as nothing more than a tool, a la chicken little preaching to the lemmings. The net result was destroying a great economy, and the downfall of a great president. Not that the left cares, but in the process they also ruined peoples' lives and livelihoods. In many cases, the very people they claimed to care about, but clearly did not. It was and still is sickening.
Fortunately, the truth cannot be suppressed forever.