Haha. Yeah. I've been getting paid in the content game since 2013. I know a thing or two about it.
Having your group canceled in 2015-16 was pretty impressive. It wasn't just that some people reported your group.
A LOT of people had to report your group.
But it wasn't just the "I don't like this" reports that shut you down. You also had to be doing stuff that violated the ToS. And for 2015 Facebook, that's pretty impressive.
That means you really had to work at it. This is 2015 Facebook we're talking about. This is post-Ferguson Facebook when they had a team of editors going through content being posted to Facebook and prioritizing it against a select set of websites.
Sites like Redstate, Breitbart, the Drudge Report and the Daily Caller. You probably didn't know that. Most people think it would be sites like the Wallstreet Journal, CNN, or Washington Post. But no. They prioritized the smaller, more blog-style sites that tended towards conservative bias over mainstream reporting. Because it was faster. Not more accurate. Not the truth.
So, for your giant Facebook group to be canceled, your "truth" was just like your content here, barely concealed hatred and bigotry. And you piled up so much of it, Facebook's editors couldn't ignore you any longer.
The only one blind to it is you.