Right - that the IRS can check in on yearly and such. The new $600 item makes it to where they can check in any time they want, which violates a constitutional right (of search).
Spying on law-abiding citizens is a horrible overreach of governmental power - same as the Patriot Act ( I was against when it came out).
It's one step closer to "I don't like how you think, your ability to use your money has been suspended"
Thanks. Sorry to hear that as I believe you have a lot of truth in what you put out. Hope it is just temporary. I think we all get a bit of it; misery loves company. Hang in there....it could be way worse--you could be a liberal!
Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars To Be
Spent On Bills They Have Not Read; Yet They Want To Know Details
On How You Personally
Spent Your $600... It's Open Season On YOUR Bank Account
But Hunter's Laptop is STILL Sealed Shut... Starting to See The; ?