He was CHARMING enough (read: sexy) to women to get them to drag their dutiful hubies and bfs to vote for him too. Trump has a cult, Clnton had groupies.
Bill didn't sell his soul to the machine, he sold the machine to the fan base.
"OOH, OOH, DON'T TWIST MY ARM, I'LL SIGN IT!" - from Welfare Reform to NAFTA to Wagging the Dog to distract from his latest dirty undies and to the smiles of the bombs-are-money contingent - just excuses. He was President, after all, not a busboy with INS coming up the stairs.
Sheesh, he single handedly ended the Sexual Harrassment Craze AND pretty much Feminism because he was just too much of one fine hunk of beef for the ladies to get too mad at over some gal whose only complaint they had in regards to the matter was why did he have to pick someone that fat?
Like Trump, his appeal was to base impulses, hormones run amok. It's amazng their voters were able to walk upright to the voting booths, as opposed to swinging through the trees with all their screeching.