You're not a "thinker", are you?
"your party treats trumps word like a bible so i really don’t want fo hear anything about being a sheep"
Trump found as much resistance from the GOP as from nearly anywhere else, which makes it even more egregious given that the GOP often aids and abets the tragically evil Democrat Party, if only because the GOP is expert at 'snatching defeat from the jaws of victory'.
The word "fetus" is simply Latin for "small one", or "baby". Using a label to dehumanize another human being is the tool of very evil people.
*When it came to owning slaves, Democrats called people with higher levels of melanin things like "property", or the n-word. Democrats on the Supreme Court even ruled that black people were not persons, much the same way you just labeled unborn children.
*Nazis called Jews things like, "parasites, pigs, Untermenschen = sub-humans, etc." so that they could justify the horrific things they did to them.
*Soldiers on both sides use derogatory names for their foes to dehumanize them, making it easier to kill fellow human beings, and often to torture and brutalize those that were captured.
A fetus is a scientific label, when used and understood correctly, for a specific stage of human development. To use it as a way to decide to ease your conscience over supporting the murder of another human being is highly sinful.
I do not treat Trump's words as being from the Bible, but I DO treat God's Word as, well, God's Word. And in His Word He alerts us to some important facts, like the fact that HE creates us in His image, that HE forms us in our mother's wombs, that HE condemns murder of the innocent, and that a baby in the womb is just that, a baby.
Luke 1:39-41
In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country,
to a town in Judah,
and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
the baby [John the Baptist] leaped in her womb.