It was new disease for my friends/relatives as well, and their immune systems also handled the covid just fine. Some got sick for several weeks, and some of them got mild symptoms, and some did not have any symptoms at all (but were discovered to have had it via testing). None of them died from it.
According the loons in power on the left, nobody is ever safe from the covid at any time. Did you get the “double jab” like was asked? Yeah… Sorry. They still want you to mask up (and maybe double-mask), and also to take a third vaccine jab of what could very possibly be endless vaccine jabs.
No thanks. I reject that way of living.
Thank God I live in a free state, because I hope to live to at least 90, and I’m certainly not planning on chasing a covid vaccine rabbit for the next 30+ years.
The very best thing I can do is to stay as active as I’m able, keeping myself as generally healthy as I can in my advancing years. That actually helps with more serious health issues for people in my age group than the covid presents, such as heart health.
I just very recently saw the same physician I’ve seen for 40 years for my annual physical/blood work, and he said everything looks about as good as it can. That’s why I’m not living in fear.
I’ve actually made a conscious decision to live life to its fullest.
The last couple of days have been really fun on my road trip vacation. I drove all over my state. I hiked. I sweated. I waded in streams. I swam. I explored. I found new things in my state I had never seen before in over 50 years living here. I shopped. I listened to live music. I visited with old friends. I ate in restaurants. I laughed. I lived. I loved. — All of it maskless.
How was your week?