Yes, it does give them benefit if they use it in specific ways. And you can’t pay me money to believe there isn’t someone doing that. Also, I know about the biological females identifying as men. However, I am making a joke, and I wasn’t trying to include every trans person in that joke. This wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, because if you know anything about me, none of this is true.
No, that is not what religious people do. There is actual evidence that scientists simply throw out the window, and then call religious people whiners for calling them out for it. We actually base belief off of real things that happened. And even if you want to say that no religion is based on reality, it still wouldn’t be anything like the LGBTQ movement, because at least the people worshipped in religions are real, while identifying yourself as something different than what you actually are has nothing to do with reality. Also, I’ve never seen anyone point out that my religious beliefs were factually incorrect. I’ve seen people throw claims around, or diss evidence that should have at least some merit. The pride of the scientific community is a huge indication that someone doesn’t want us believing in God.
In case you don’t know, I am full square against LGBTQ but I hold no fear or hatred of anyone in the LGBTQ community (fear only comes if they are hostile to me for being Christian, in which case the fear is legitimate). I am in multiple pro-LGBTQ communities online, and am never nasty to anyone in them. Matter of fact, someone I know irl in church just came out as gay and we’ve shown nothing but love to their family. Also, I’d like some examples of christians that have this kind of homophobia and transphobia, because i’ve been in at least 5 different churches in 5 different states in my life, and never once met anyone like that. I will acknowledge some Christians are completely nasty to LGBTQ members, and I wish they wouldn’t be, because it’s not helpful, but it’s not fair to judge the whole religious community based on those instances. Some Muslims have been very hostile to LGBTQ ppl; should we treat them with hostility?