I was Facebook jailed simply for warning a Pro-Israel Unite group that an Israel-hating Muslim had joined their group and was posting lies against Israel and demonizing Jews as well as possibly spying on its members. The Facestapo naturally took the side of the anti-Israel Muslim lying through his teeth. That was about 75 days ago.
Then I was Facebook jailed a second time which ended on July 11th because I had simply referred to an anti-Trumper woman commenting on Sean Hannity's public Facebook page as a "silly twit". Apparently, Facebook owns a time machine and hired many couch-fainters from the Victorian era who cannot tolerate anyone calling someone else a twit, idiot, or moron.
Then there was a 30-day suspension prior to those two times for posting an ANTI-RACISM comment where I simply said I'm against stupid whites out there being racist against white people and I'm against all forms of racism. The Facestapo deemed that post to be offensive and against its Community Standards WHEN IT WAS A COMMENT AGAINST RACISM.
There was another time when I simply wished Ivanka Trump a happy birthday on a public post she had created and the Facestapo flagged my "Happy birthday, Ivanka. Your dad must be very proud. All the best." comment. It's totally insane.
This is why Facebook is garbage and it doesn't treat adults like adults. All Facebook had to say was, "We object to your comment, but if you voluntarily remove it, your account will not be suspended" or "we'll only suspend your account for 24 hours, but if you refuse, we'll suspend your account for 30 days". That would at least be giving people options, but since the Silicon Valley dorks are socially inept misfits, they don't know how to treat adults properly or how human conversations, even heated conversations, work.
It's ironic with Facebook that anti-social LOSERS are running social media companies.
Facebook is trash, but I use it to stay in touch with family members and friends all over the world (Britain, South Africa, Australia, Canada, America, etc.), so I'm stuck using it for now until a viable alternative becomes available.
Luckily, those alternatives are here and growing.