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JonHammond7 (107220)
Joined 2021-01-18
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Come out as gay and nobody cares, but come out as a Trump supporter, everybody loses their minds. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TDS in politics
1 up, 3mo
As someone who has personally worked in the animation industry, I can attest to how it's infected with a lot of far Left idiots much like the rest of Hollywood and neither respect any dissenting opinions of the Right or anyone that is pro-Trump and they do purposely deny pro-Trump people work which is workplace discrimination and is against labour laws.
Come out as gay and nobody cares, but come out as a Trump supporter, everybody loses their minds. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TDS in politics
0 ups, 3mo
It does if you work in Hollywood or any film or animation industry. It's certainly NOT brave to be a Democrat, Socialist, Marxist, or Communist.
"That was not a 'voting accident'. Working class Americans looked at their grocery bills, gas bills, etc. and rejected Kamala." in politics
3 ups, 4mo
Well, you're wrong and I hate Communism. Apparently, you failed to learn lessons from history where over 100 million people died thanks to Communism. Hitler was an amateur compared to those murdered in Soviet Russia under Stalin and Chairman Mao eclipsed both of them in Communist China.

So, I presume you're just another Millennial who knows NOTHING, so get out there, travel, stop reading rubbish online, stop living in fantasy videogame land, and get a grip on reality that Communism is EVIL just as Nazism was EVIL.

Stop looking at life like a simpleton with simple slogans or simple solutions because life is never simple. I hate being harsh, but I have no patience for people that like Communism. It tells me they are grotesquely ignorant of history and of the times in which we are living or they've been brainwashed by idiotic teachers in schools, colleges, or universities.

The road to Communism is paid with the destruction of free speech and individual rights and aspirations and is lined with gulags and death. Communism has no redeeming qualities and anyone who argues for it is either a liar or a fool. Don't be a fool. Get on with your life, stop resenting the success of others, and find something you can do which gives your life meaning while not destroying the lives of others.
Anti-Communist meme: All roads of Socialism, Marxism, and Communism lead to gulags, concentration camps, and killing fields. in politics
1 up, 2y
Anarcho-Syndicalism and Socialism in all its forms are for mediocrities who preach the gospel of envy.
This is Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in blackface, but Liberal voters don't care since they have no principles. in politics
0 ups, 2y
Good, because it isn't funny that Canada has a blackface-wearing imbecile of a prime minister called Justin Trudeau. I'm glad you managed to understand that I was NOT joking and a laugh was not required from you or others.