there are two fallacies in your argument. first, you're drawing a conclusion based on your interpretation of what some people believe (rather than on what they actually believe). second, you're trying to use personal data (anecdotal evidence) to draw a generalized conclusion.
your conclusion is not shown to be false, but neither is it shown to be supported. our opinions are often formed by our personal experiences. how could they not be? our survival depends on being able to draw reasonable conclusions based in experience.
NOTMEMEGURU has at least three fallacies in his/her argument. first, they suppose that many people voted against America when actually they were most likely voting for America by voting against Trump. second, ignorance is alleged for them based on the unpallatability of their actions to the memer. third, there's an assertion that the nation will be destroyed by their action. this is an attempt to draw a conclusion based on unspecified data, rather than simply offering a prediction.
i can't speak for Democrats, but these are the sorts of things i notice in the political memes on this site. if people looked at their own arguments more critically and more open-mindedly, there would be a lot less polarization between the "two sides" as people based their positions more on real facts instead of prejudices and faulty logic.