There’s a lot of reasons, but the main one I got growing up is that theists don’t see the goodness and value of a godless world. They make comments such as:
« Where do your morals come from without god? »
« We are meaningless without god »
« If god isn’t watching over you, then can’t you just do whatever you want? »
Science makes me think that god isn't real. Like, If we were animals and evolved, (which is a true fact), then how come adam and eve were normal humans, evolved and all???
I have heard people mis-attribute Satanism with atheism! Lmfao
But mostly I have heard such vile attitudes expressed.
Like its worse than child sexual abuse!
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Well, I don't think that Aethisim is right, but I really just don't care enough to fight them about it.
I have always understood that Agnosticism is the belief that humans can't possible know whether there is or is not a God, & if there is what it's nature is (like whether God' s a Methodist or a Presbyterian or a Hindu or...
..or even unlike any worldly religion describes).
While Atheism is the belief there is no God(s).
It is the complete absence of every aspect of religion.
From the very structure & organization of each one, including their hierarchies;
the benefits believed to be conferred by adherence to specifications (like going to Heaven if you ____); there are rituals & ceremonies; the sacrifices (think Lent & thyeing [sorry about the spelling] among others); the restrictions to using one's own judgement; there is big money involved; there are people that derive personal power &/or a living: from the clergy to the Vatican to the tv evangelists; they preach dire consequences to those that don't participate.
Atheism is NOT a religion. Religions have prayers, songs, worship of a character or characters.
Atheism is simply the absence of a belief in a god or gods.
Even religious people are atheists concerning the gods they don’t believe in. Atheists just take it one god further.
You do realize the same could easily be said about religion...don't you ? That it doesn't make solid sense. ...In fact, isnt that the point of "having faith"?
0 ups, 4y
The fact that you are attempting to attack me on a 4 month old comment is unbelievably pointless.
....And what if Atheists or Muslims or whoever sees different from you took your attitude that others are "wrong" & as such they have the right to fight you about it?
0 ups, 4y
Wow, you obviously don't understand the real world, so lemme spell it out for you: By "fight" it means to argue with them about their abnormal beliefs, not to punch them in the face.