Mookie. Just know even though you may leave us, and this may be a final goodbye I want you to know you have really been a great friend, and Im glad I was able to be apart of your imgflip life, and family. Times may have been rough, but just know imgflip wont forget you anytime soon. You made your mark such as any other imgflip users have done. And Now, we can be thankful knowing that your here. Even if this is a final or possible last goodbye for the future, Dont hesitate to come back. We will welcome you with open arms such as we did when you first came. And for when you need help, just remember what it says in friends.. "I'll be there for you... Like you've been there before.." "I'll be there for you... Cause your there for me too, Oooooo.." Hope you enjoy life wherever it goes!