As the quote appears to make Scalia look anti-2A; the facts are he indeed was the opposite.
In a controversial 2008 decision, the Supreme Court declared a handgun ban enacted by the District of Columbia unconstitutional, but the majority noted that, nonetheless, gun ownership was not an unlimited right, said Scalia, who wrote the opinion in that case.
"It will have to be decided in future cases what limitations upon the right to bear arms are permissible," he added. "Some undoubtedly are."
Scalia was asked whether constitutional protection would extend to weapons used by James Holmes in the Colorado movie theater massacre that allow one to fire dozens of rounds per minute.
"We'll see," he answered. "I mean, obviously the (Second) amendment does not apply to arms that cannot be hand-carried. It's to keep and bear — so it doesn't apply to cannons.
"But I suppose there are handheld rocket launchers that can bring down airplanes that will have to be … decided."