US provided funds via the NED to overthrow the govt of venezuela, calling that aid is incredibly cynical while simultaneously preventing them from importing their own food and medicine. If the US would stop standing on their necks, they would be without any need for aid, not that the US aid provided is really aid.
The accusations of human rights abuses are a fart of the state dept, but even accepting that as a fact only for the sake of argument, consider the following. If guy was beating his wife and kids and you claimed to be concerned about the welfare of the family, I don't think any rational human being would consider it a sane response to prevent the family from buying food, going to the doctor, or making repairs to their home. That would only hurt the kids and the wife. Here is the thing tho: the venezuelan socialist govt aren't an abusive husband. They have continuously re-elected the PSUV at every election (less a fraudulent one engineered by the US in 2005) and will likely continue to do so. They have the right to elect their own govt and continue to pick PSUV because of how many people they lifted out of poverty and continue to feed and protect.
The reason the US is trying so hard to topple the VZ govt it the massive amount of oil reserved the country has. The US govt lied about Iraq and said it has WMDs and was develping nuclear weapons in order to drum up a casus belli (reason for military action) for the invasion of the country. The US was after the Iraqi oil just as it is after the VZ oil. The US is again lying about the actions of the govt it wants to topple. Please learn from history.