woke(feminst sjws, blm, lgbt, so one)
are hypocrits,
i am a weeb, i watched pokemon, onepice, the rise of shild hero, and redo of healer, and hang out with uzaki chan, and i love them all.
even rezero, and the traps in animes,
but the woke hate it, they attack us, bash what we love, then they bully stright pride. like, they aint doing anything wrong, lols, and you people are attacking anthying that dose not follow collage brainwashing
how brain washing works
promise of better life
poor financial health,
or bad economy
or both
no time to think about things like what is life, or philosophical thinking for ones self, instead you have to focus on the study that you just oh so willing ly accepted, 24/7 studying
talking to same people, and reading same book,
both relgion and collage do this
but collage has it down to an art form.
i spent 2 months, their, my sister 7 years,
i dropped out, and i am much older then her by 5 years, but she went in earlier then i did,
i had some life problems that where not my fualt. just shit people.
i grew up watching anime, i became a good person. ok,
but my sister, never watch anime, and went to collage, and turn into someone disgusting, and a horrible person. i hate collage what they did to her,
she kept spouting white privlage, male privage bs, and became very sexist and racists aka discriminating and im like,
anime taught me not to discriminate, yet, you be came discrimitve and hate full, aka woke.which they say they are not but they are, true hypocrits.
sadly seems like the world really needs more anime,
i have bad grammer, hahahahah,