Thanks for your comment. I think today is the first day we've exchanged comments... I almost always try to reply to a person who seems thoughtful and calm, in a thoughtful and calm way, whether I agree with them or not. Disagreeing is nothing to get all riled up about!
If you do as you say, and don't buy into the narrative the media will feed you about people who do these crazy things, then imo you're way ahead of the game, especially when compared to some of the more dogmatic types here on imgflip who can't form an opinion without infusing their political views into it.
I strongly believe that crazy is crazy and whether the crazy person is a left winger, or a right winger doesn't play into the fact that they're crazy. Being crazy is a human condition, not the result of holding certain political views. But, I'm no psychiatrist.
I would say that the media plays up any type of political angle when a crazy person who commits a crazy act has some philosophical connection to Trump, or even right winger politics in general, but does not do the same when it comes to the crazy person who shoots up a school, or attacks a Capitol Police officer (or shoots up a congressional softball game, as happened a few years back.) I don't know if you agree with that or not, but it sure seems that way to me.