"This is meant to prevent political action groups from buying votes in polling lines."
NO IT'S NOT. NO ONE "buys votes" by handing out bottles of water.
I'm a lawyer--I KNOW DAMN WELL when lawyers deliberately COUCH something in "GENERIC" language when the INTENT is to TARGET SOMETHING ELSE.
THAT is why they included "FOOD AND DRINK". The idea is that some voters in long lines will leave because they're hungry or thirsty, and others WON'T GO TO VOTE because they're worried about getting too thirsty.
There are all sorts of FEDERAL and STATE statutes against things like CHRISTMAS GIFTS, THANKSGIVING GIFTS, tickets to sporting events, etc., to public employees. *THOSE* put a VALUE CAP, typically "cannot exceed $25" or similar.
And frankly, if Georgia DIDN'T *already* have a statute prohibiting "give ... money or gifts ... to an elector" THEY'RE IDIOTS.