"The vast majority of abortions happen in the first few weeks, the fetus is not even the size of a raspberry and does not have a developed brain."
>>That is not true. The vast majority happen when the baby does have a beating heart, and a brain...But either way doesn't matter. It is a human being that needs time to grow, and should not be murdered.
"People in this country are not forced to use their body as a host against their consent."
>> No, most are not...If they have sex, that is complete and full consent, knowing that sex is a human version of reproduction. In the case of rape, there are three parties. One, the mother. Two, the Rapist. And three, the possible baby. We must see which one, and why, to kill. The mother is the victim, she shouldn't die. The rapist, some say should be executed, but he often gets 15+ years in jail. Now, the baby. The most innocent party of all. Why should we as a society, punish the child for the crimes of its father?