Are you high? Seriously, asking for a friend. ADLdmits mistakes, are you for real? Fixing the economy, again; are you serious or is this something sort of satire account? Doesn't lock children up in cages, better check the border again, better yet; someone might wanna check the PEDOPHILES house, Maybe next to the corvette and secret docks. Investigates all criminals; really; where is his committe for the BLM RIOTS, WHERE PUBLIC And private property was burned and stolen, people got killed, people being g attacked for being white; I must have missed that committee work being done somewhere. Agrees with science and medical professionals but supports 5,689 different genders; do you even think before you speak, you must be very liberal. But he's got enough pedophilia blood to hit on yours and everyone else's, look at the sick Phuk when on stage with children, not to mention he's a self proclaimed toucher, during his summer time pool outings. Supports free speech: literally had the FBI INSIDE TWITTER AND FACEBOOK AND IG TO SUPPRESS THE SPEECH OF THE RIGHT! AND THE BEST OF ALL, ISNT RACIST BLAH BLAH BLAH; YET, HE IS FUNNELING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND ENDLESS WEAPONS TO ALL THE WHITE NATIONALIST AND NEO-NAZI FIGHTERS IN UKRAINE, AND THE AMERICANS OVER HELPING ARE WHITE NATIONALISTS AND NEO-NAZIS FROM AMERICA, SOME EX-MILITARY, ONE WANT3D IN FLORIDA FOR ATTWMPTING TO MURDER HIS GF. BUT YOU KNOW WVERYTHING DONT YOU, how you like your potus now. Everyone says if someone likes TEUMP THEY ARE A BIGOT/RACIST, THAT MEANS EVERYONE THAT LIKE BIDEN IS A TOUCHER/CHOMO/PEEEEEDO; I GOTTA SAY, IF EITHER OF THOSE WERE TRUE; ID CHOOSE RACIST OVER BEING A PHUKIN PEDOPHILE TOUCHER ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. .