Amusing, I did not say you are dumb! I merely referenced points deducted for hatred of Trump. I do not hate anybody. I don't hate Biden but feel he is a victim of elder abuse at the hands of his attention-seeking wife, Dr. Jill. I judge people through their behavior, attitudes, accomplishments & their hearts.
Trump's heart has always been in the right place -- loving America and striving to make her better. He has done that throughout his fours years in spite of Democrats setting live grenades in his path. He loves Americans. It does not matter what color you are or how much money you have....he just loves Americans. I find him to be an absolutely amazing man. Though I am not leaving my husband for him, I find him to be a once in a lifetime phenomenon. He is on the right side; the other choice has proven to be angry, chaotic & destructive with a huge dose of intolerance.
I am listening to Luke Comb's song Better Together right now. So grateful to be living the dream. This is what truly bothers me about liberals; they don't seem happy. I know that circumstances can make one unhappy and I sympathize with those who are dealing with hardships foisted upon them through no fault of their own. I am not talking about them. However, ungrateful people who embrace victimhood, hate America, complain, and riot will destroy America.