I agree...to an extent. But why are people so attracted to alternative news? Some of them are drawn to hearing what they want to believe - confirmation bias. But a significant portion have been driven from mainstream news by the media's naked, undisguised lack of anything remotely almost approaching neutrality.
If Trump "won," and Biden cheated or someone else cheated on his behalf, where is the evidence? Either "they" are smart enough to cheat in a way that he can't prove, or he lost. Was the election "free and fair?" Well, I can't point to anything that makes it any *less* free and fair than many of the others. The media interfere and influence way more than the damn Russians. And there are some irregularities that will be investigated to death over the coming years, just like the Trump-Ukraine-Russia circus and the Obama birther bit.
Biden is a soiled crotch rag of a president, but just like Kavanagh and Blasey-Ford, belief is not enough. You need evidence.