lol those are THE most ridiculous things I have ever heard.
it was their choice to show up, its a free country (at least right now). he's not gonna say "hey, im having this rally and its really cold don't come. oh im fine cause im immune to cold" srsly, go complain about people who go to football games in the middle of a blizzard.
the risk of Covid is actually extremely low (0.1%), and masks are about as effective as a chainlink fence trying to keep out dust. the only reason surgeons wear them is to keep the guts off their face. it is (as you libs say) my body my choice. and I am perfectly free to not wear a mask if I so choose.
im not sure where you got the bleach thing, but obviously no one is doing that. if you are referring to the certain chemicals called Chloroquine and hydroxycloroquine, (which is found in fish tank cleaner), they were actually successfully treating severe cases with it. but you obviously can not take it in the fish tank cleaner form, which is why that lady's hubby died.
and no one is doing anything just because trump does. (you might have noticed that he is not the most charismatic of people) We do it because we take time to learn what is actually going on, and not from news sources.
yes please! do give me more, this is fun