You're repetitiously repeating yourself repeatedly, and that's boring.
But since we're on that, allow me to repeat myself, with an add on below:
"No, kid, that's not my logic, that's YOURS.
You do not speak for me and my "logic."
"Rights" are created and assigned by law, their reality is only in terms of their legal application.
And child, ain't anybody been "100% Native American" in a century and a half here. Sheeyat, most Native Americans have more Caucasian than native blood in them.
How many decades before there are more Asian Indians than American so-called Indians in the USA? Two? Less?
There is NO reason for them to be here, none, zippo, nada.
They did not find here, they did not colonize here, they did not get brought here, they did not fight for here, they did not establish here.
They steal jobs from Americans, they're a brain drain on India, and as former property of Britain, should they truly need to leave behind their family and culture and homeland for the purposes of greed, then by all means let them go to their Lords in the UK."
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