The guy in office who didn't do shit for 4 years but golf, talk a lot of shit about people, and let 400,000 people die of covid isn't the solution... that's for damn sure.
Lowest Black unemployment i history?
Peace between the Koreas?
Peace pacts with Israel and other Middle East countries?
Booming economy? And booming economy once again after the pandemic?
Sounds pretty good to me!
400,000 deaths: fake news.
And news flash: All countries have deaths. No matter what leader they have. They’re all going to eventually have the same ratio of deaths; the Democratic ones are just making it last longer.
Awww. Don’t worry. Maybe Third world skeptical kid will get adopted by Americans and learn the truth about how high privilege and entitlement all your life turns you into a whiny old fart every time things don’t turn out the way you want.