Trump? He's nowhere near being anything even close to Hitler.
They're barely in the same universe.
To say that he is, is an utter display of ignorance.
Utter ignorance about what Hitler and the Nazis stood for, and more importantly what they were capable of, and what they actually did.
As for Trump, anyone who knows about him only through the mainstream media, won't know much about him that's accurate. Sure, Chuck Todd may say he's 'almost as bad as Hitler', but the guy is a potted plant.
If you'd like, I can give you a quick rundown on some of the basic horrors of the Nazis between 1933 when they took power, and the start of the war in 1939. Spoiler alert, it involves elimination of all political parties not named National Socialist, total control of the media, and hanging political opponents by piano wire or perhaps the more humane option of allowing them to kill themselves with a side arm. The latter of those two being how you knew with certainty before you died whether Hitler hated you or just needed you out of the way..
Sure, that last one *might* seem attractive when put in the context of Nancy "Fuit Loops" Pelosi, or Cryin' Chuck Schumer, but come on, man! We're all Americans and even if we disagree, we shouldn't even joke about doing things like that to each other.