Both sides of America are ignorant most conservatives were brought up with one sided perspectives what I mean by this is either the people around them were conservative or they're parents. They support a system capitalism which works pretty well unless you count the major difference between rich and poor, the middle class is slowly shrinking and the government isn't really doing anything about it. The absurdity that conservatives think Socialism is Communism is also something of major stupidity Every system has their flaw, if you want Socialism then you get free health care and other support from the government but you have to pay 10% more taxes. Communism is complete government control and everything is shared and given which I don't agree with.
Liberals on the other hand are people who preach hardcore so I don't know what to tell you. They are also blind when they look at their own party.
is hating on each other which keeps everyone blind they can't see what's right and what's wrong. That's why I try not to take any sides.