And what is your excuse for the rest of the world? Were all the world leaders as bad as Trump? You realize the virus is still exploding in Europe. Are you saying a virus engineered in China and then deliberately set loose on the world is somehow...preventable? China shut down internal travel to keep it from spreading...while still allowing foreign travel. They deliberately targeted the world...coincidentally, during a failing trade war, but you keep on blaming Trump...Meanwhile, you can't find a single Democrat or world leader who was doing or saying anything different during the early days of the pandemic, only their condemnation for our president when he tried to shut down travel to our country before any other nation, especially China, who was exporting it to the globe. You're not condemning the Governor response to the disease...which are where actual actions were taken, locking people down in apartment building and ghettos where the virus took off. No one has ever tried to blame a president for deaths during a pandemic, and you people are just twisted into judgemental face-panty wearing Karens...cause Orangemanbad.