"thanks for the sources the second two seem most legit."
I should point out that the first one is the most thorough one since it approached it from the neuroscience of the matter and not just simply with what is observable. But neither here nor there. Taking the science of the last two alone into account, can I assume then that you do not agree with the mainstream leftist views that want abortions on demand at any point and who are okay with ending a child's life who survives the procedure?
"she was a big name for being a female judge she was a leader head which sometimes is more important then doing things."
Literally and categorically false. Doing is infinitely more important then just saying or being a "figurehead." Simple anecdote: if half the governors in America said they are against racism but do nothing about it, while the other half say nothing but actively fight to quell it, which half is better off? The answer is obvious and simple. So, no, again, the fact that you can google search her accomplishments and all her top hits are simply things she has said and anti-trump tweets that she has made that are not fitting the decorum of her office is actually incredibly sad. If anything, she has set women back as this would be the exact type of ammo a misogynist would need to prove his point.
"no eugenics is awful I don't believe in it her stance on that is not valid."
I am glad to hear that we agree on her poor opinion in this matter.
"that wont be a now or soon thing. just get the most qualified women."
Pushing the anecdote further. Which states will do better? The ones who choose the most qualified people, or the one that chooses the most qualified women for governor? Easy and simple. Not the one that chooses only women. Also, this view is still incredibly sexist as the only thing that is being taken into account is one chromosome difference.
"that's it what was he said done or what effect has he made."
I don't understand how you first championed RGB under the misinformed idea that she did things for women's rights and equality, then I share with you one thing BK has done for that same cause and it is somehow nothing. Isn't something better than nothing? Yes, it is. But hey, if you want more, he has made a career challenging the EPA and the CFPB on some very high profile cases where they were grossly abusing others. In all his cases, he has been a staunch defender of the constitution, which is arguably his best trait.