If you read every word you failed at comprehending it. I asked you to give me facts to prove Trump is a dictator.
Based on my dislike towards socialism and communism it should be obvious that I value liberty. Therefore it should be obvious that I value liberty over ANY individual politician. But you totally ignore all that and instead associate me with someone who worships Trump. If you look through my submitted memes you will see I would have wanted someone like Trey Gowdy for president. But instead of doing any background checking on me you decide to assume you know what I am like and call me names.
Should I now assume you did the same with your Trump accusations especially since you didn't show any proof? Should I assume that you CAN'T rather than you didn't? You are so blinded by your hate for Trump the only things you know how to say is the profanity you spewed out. You can't have a discussion.
I asked for two things, proof on Trump's dictatorship and proof that the democrats doesn't want socialism or to take away individual liberty. I was open to that and you made no effort to defend your claim or rebuke mine.
For what it's worth, there are usually two types of people. Those who use logic and reason to make decisions. And those who use emotion. Guess which type is typically brainwashed?
The soviets put intellectuals in the gulags because they didn't go along with their communist authority.
I can control you by saying something good about Trump. I can make you say a plethora of profanity that does nothing except make you look weak. You give no counter argument you give no examples you just call names like a child and think you did something big.
In making the skeptical meme I had left myself open to the same accusation. Had I been talking to Octavia Melody, I guarantee he would have caught on. He would have opened the counter argument something like this:
"Well you call Biden and his supporters communists, and yet you are insinuating that I am brainwashed."
The difference though is that I gave some examples which Octavia would have addressed. He wouldn't have resorted to spewing profanity alone.
I am not impressed.
Nevertheless, I will give you one more chance to do what you didn't, or couldn't, in my first comment. Refuse and I will not acknowledge any more you say.