It almost seems like a no-lose situation for the republicans. If Biden refuses to debate, then he's not only Hiden Biden, but Chicken Hiden Biden. The only problem with that is there are some utter dimwits out there who would believe it when CNN tells them the 'not worthy' argument is a valid one for Dementia Joe to skip the debates.
And of course, if he agrees to the debate, he should get shredded. He could barely hang on in the Democrat debates, and that was with the other candidates taking up most of the time... and btw, they were also questioning his mental abilities during the Dem debates. But they won't own up to that now.
If there are debates, both candidates need to be on the same stage. No Zoom crap. Keep them socially distant, or hell, put a plexi-glass wall between them if the Dems insist. But get Biden on the same stage as Trump, or Biden will have his handlers typing up answers for him to read off the teleprompter.
And last but not least, Trump needs to be as respectful of Biden as he can force himself to be, otherwise he'll run the risk of alienating older voters and certain younger voters who may consider a relentless attack on Joe's decreased faculties as elder abuse.