1. Please refrain from swearing, it ain't chicken soup for the soul
2. I can see where you're coming from as the 10th amendment says that what isn't given to the feds and isn't not given to the states is given to the states and people.
BUT, Trump has the authority to send in federal officers, agents, and troops to insure the law is obeyed and federal property is protected. He actually doesn't need the approval of state and local officials.
All of this is outlined in an 1807 act and 40 U.S. Code § 1315:
•The Insurection Act of 1807-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurrection_Act_of_1807
•40 U.S. Code § 1315. Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property-https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/40/1315
Now, what would happen if the President NEEDED a Governor's consent? Let's say there is widespread theft, violence, and destruction of property (federal property too) and the Governor refuses to allow the feds to come in, while doing almost nothing. This would lead to a situation where federal law couldn't be upheld and property and people protected while the feds could do nothing but watch as crime ran rampant. Sounds like a great place to live, no?
So yes, they do specifically have every right to enforce the law and protect federal property (as well as prosecute those who damage federal buildings/break the laws).
So, step off with this, "So, step off with this "they have every right to enforce the law" bullshit. They specifically don't." Bullcrap. They specifically do.