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theCrazyWesterner (14276)
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According to CNN and the MSM in politics
0 ups, 5y
The police were told to pretty much not stop the riots that were happening. And the burning of a federal building is enough justification to bring in the feds.
Do you think the riots are going to just go away? That the Federal Government shouldn't respond to these types of acts? That Portland, Chicago, and other cities should run rampant with these criminals? You say you don't support rioting and destruction, but then you try to tell me that the feds have no reason to stop the riots because they were dialing down. Does 2 months of rioting, looting, murder, and burning across the country (with Mayors and Governors supporting these "peaceful protests" and not stopping them in their tracks) seem like a situation that will just go away? It will go away when their demands are met, their demands for the changing of the police and justice systems and the destruction of America? Sounds like a great time to live when do-nothing politicians, news, and people criticize the President for doing his job.
Schrödinger's Candidacy in politics
2 ups, 5y
That's meant to show Biden's flip flop on crime and how he's been changing everything he once stood for. After all, he is a career politician. It's not hypocritical to point this out. He's been taken advantage of from the left.

Again we're pointing out Biden's hypocricy, he fought for what he now says is bad, as he has curbed to the leftist agenda.

But you think pointing out flips flops and hypocricy is hypocritical.
I'm just sitting here waiting for the "agree to disagree" comments... in LGBTQ
1 up, 5y
If your opinion tells you to not respect others for whatever reason it's time to get a new opinion.

You wonder why people don't support the lgbt community? It's because of the crap you guys spit out of your mouths. When someone has a differing opinion from yours you call them homo/transphobic, racist, sexist, and accuse them of bigotry. An opinion is, "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." So yes, being mean or having differing beliefs from yours is an opinion, just like how what you said is an opinion. Opinions can be true and cannot be as well.

You guys really hate religions because they believe something you don't. You tell people to change their beliefs, religion, and opinions because you think yours is true and that your better than them. You also seem to not understand religion, makes sense considering your stances. So let me make some things clear:
•Most Religions don't hate, or tell others to hate, people. You claim, "If your belief tells you to not respect others for whatever reason it's time to get a new belief." Tell me, who isn't 'respecting' you "for whatever reason"? The Bible states that we are to be, in simple terms, nice and respectful to others. If someone is homo/transphobic, racist, and/or sexist, that's usually of their own free will. Look at me, I belive that homosexual, transgender, and other acts the lgbt community embraces are sinful, it says so in the Bible. But that doesn't mean I hate and despise gay, trans, etc people. They're still human beings and God's children, just like me and others.
•Religions don't just 'change' their beliefs. God's true Church isn't going to just sucumb to your opinions and change fundamental beliefs written in scripture and given to us by God. God doesn't just change his mind and go, "whelp, looks like I was wrong". He knows everything, he created us in his image, he looks at things from every angle and from a Heavenly perspective (as we all should), so telling Him, His people, and his Church to change because of your Earthly view on things won't go down so well, for you.

We want to talk to you and other members of this community, we really do. We wan't to have a nice, clean debate. But you refuse to have it with us. You call us names, you say we're wrong and that your right, while at the same time refusing to listen or even respond to our comments, critisisms, and suggestions.
Nike Hypocrisy in politics
0 ups, 5y
13th Amendment, Section 1:
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. "
The 13th Amendment allows for the use of penal labor.
American flag in politics
5 ups, 5y
Yes, and no. We are mainly fighting against the left right now. They're the ones who want this country burened to the ground so they can replace it with a Socialist dystopia. Conservatives and liberals agree on this and both recognize that there are things that need fixed, but differ on how to fix them (more/less taxes, programs, big/small government, social issues, etc).