Allyship? Who asked to enter into an allyship with you?
Pointing out how "you’re recognizing their essential humanity and lifting each other up," merely serves to illustrate that you're missing your own point - as if that's what it was.
You speak of recognizing and lifting as if "they" were the usual alien other, and that you're allowing them to impose upon you this altruistic task of which you so maganimously perform because you're so wonderfully you.
These terms you use, the context you frame them in, they are all inherently divisive.
You're spewing your White Messiah spiel for the nth time, playing oblivious to how you elevate yourself while lowering your adopted 'charges' to the status of hapless children in dire need of your illustrious guidance.
Your ignorance of current trends as well as history is no surprise given your ignorance of your own shallow and artificial motives and the meaning of the sentiments you spout.
Hoodrats of whatever racial/ethnic/cultural background living in the same slums immersed in the same subculture (B-Boy Music, 'urban') using the same slang is a thing - not just amongst suburbanites like your 'woke' self gittin down wit it while listening to Eminem on your MP3.
Likewise with history. The Colonial practice of chattel slavery in the Americas began over a century before Jamestown, 1492, to be specific, with Cristobal Colon in Hispaniola.
The higher proportion of people of African descent throughout the Caribbean isn't exactly disconnected from the slave trade stopping there en route to North and South America, and the usage of them in the labor intensive farming of sugar cane throughout tht tropics.
That you separate 'White' from Latino is a function of your racist worldview, that you overlook the Latino blood stained hand in slavery and point fingers soley at the Anglo practice of it is likewise racist.
Your patronizing and condescending blathering just about renders your prostate rubbing bs to the level of caricaturespere. Please stop.