Since I only use full desktop PCs the battery is not my issue, but I guess my energy bill does turn out a bit lower... Maybe... And indeed... my eyes are the main reason.... I am also high-sensitive and the dark mode is therefore less harsh on my senses. :)
I didn't want to act like an autist (don't feel offended folks... I'm an aspie myself, and making jokes about that is my way of survival so put the axes down... slowly) on the term "energy consumption", but it is correct... energy in the pure sense of the word cannot be consumed... Energy in the sense of electricity... hmm... Not sure if purely scientifically the word "consumption" is then correct....
No matter long story short.... It saves energy... ππ
Well, try arguing with your supplier company that you shouldn't need to pay for "their energy" because you couldn't have used it up and it's still there, just in a different form maybe. π That's why I sometimes do use the colloquial "using energy" terminology because it's a widely known concept, even though it is technically wrong.
Light, because when I was a new user, that was what it was already set on, and i didn't know you could change it, so I just got used to it. Now when I turn on dark mode it's weird. I have a feeling it's better for your eyes though