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TheBaconTaco25 (1183124)
Joined 2020-01-04
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The Duality of being Wrong in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 3y
No no no that's not what I was saying. I was saying people say one or the other and neither are true.
Lol how did they miss this? in fun
0 ups, 3y
You're uh *looks at watch* two minutes late :)
Ronald Reagan was a liberal in Politics_Redux
0 ups, 3y
No. He was a Paleoconservative. Not all Conservatives are the same.
"Do I have ADHD or am I just weird?" in fun
1 up, 3y
Sorry to disappoint but I just threw these in to make a point. I have anxiety and depression and am getting treated for Asperger's so I'm not that bad off, but whenever you're melting down you it feels like you have every disorder in the world. But yes I am a blackbelt peer supporter B)