No, eyes shut, you're wrong.
Just because you're too lazy or ignorant, or both, to take advantage of the incredible opportunity offered to ALL CITIZENS by this great country, don't try to pretend that that opportunity doesn't exist.
The USA offers the American dream to anyone who is willing to work for it, regardless of where they start. Trust me, I know this first hand. My family was poor when I was young, and I was poor well into my adult years.
My Dad got fed up with it during the years I was a senior in high school / freshman in college, and did something about it. He went back to school and got his MBA, and made a better life for us. But being young and stupid (like you... well, the stupid part) what he did didn't register with me until much later in life, in spite of him being an excellent role model, and showing me that anyone can change their circumstance in America, if they want to... if they're willing to work hard for it. So, like him, I finally got fed up, and quit trying to blame others for my laziness, and did something about it.
Just because you have your head buried in the sand (and by sand, I mean up your butt) doesn't mean you should drag down the rest of us with your incredibly ignorant, naive, and defeatist attitude.