Okay. Really now? Obama spied on Flynn. Biden's quid pro quo.
I am kind of getting tired of correcting the rightist bullshit on this stream.
First, Trump is the one who did a quid pro quo with Ukraine, asking for information on Biden. Second, Obama is many things, but a creepy corrupt person is just not one of them. The right always act like they are innocent and blame the Democrats. Also, Donald Trump was impeached for a reason, and that reason was not because of any political gain, but because of wrongdoing.
Democrats are not people sent from hell, and people like you need to realize that. And both Democrats and Republicans alike are proposing COVID-19 stimulus packages to help the people affected by the quarantine and the pandemic, so that proves that both sides want to help the American people, not just the Republicans. Rightists like you act like Democrats and anyone who opposes Trump is automatically a liar and a sham to gain political power. Reality? People who oppose the president are pointing him out for his wrongdoing.
You only look at one side of the picture. Now, am I saying that Democrats are angels? HELL NO. Biden, just like Trump, has a sexual assault allegation against him, and, like Trump, has been caught in some really perverted photos. And having a person with photos and allegations similar to Trump could mean a person SIMILAR TO TRUMP, which I know that the Democrats do not want. However, it is their only choice right now. I just wish that a more competent, younger, person who has been in less creepy photos than our two candidates would get to run.