π Taxes:
β¬ Trump gave the rich their permanent tax cut,
β¬ The taxes for the peons expires this year,
β¬ We have a deficit so yuge, no one will ever be able to fill it up,
π Regulations,
β¬ Pollution curbs are down,
β¬ Soon Trump's sons will be hunting endangered animals in National Parks,
π MIA Warfronts:
β¬ The war with Iran got shoved back up his crotch hole by the REAL powers that be the day after it started,
β¬ The war with North Korea likewise, but at least we stopped military exercises with South Korea,
β¬ The war in Syria culminated in abandoning the Kurds who were dong our fighting for us,
β¬ The war in Iraq against ISIL went according to Obama's plans laid out in 2014,
β¬ The war in Yemen was obscure enough to sweep that dismal failure of a mess under the rug,
β¬ The war he was going to have to show Obama how to kick Russia out of Ukraine is, um, uh, - let you know when Trump swings his yuge ballz on that one,
π Dictators & Autocrats:
β¬ Trump is and always will be Putin's favorite bet bottom buttboi, his new radar evading IBMs that he rubbed with his nuts in Trump's face are a a true joy to behold,
β¬ Trump is in love with Kim Jung-un, his Christmas gift was really sweet,
β¬ Trump is still yapping at China while it produces Trump Inc's products,
β¬ Trump is still doing Netanyahu's bidding as the Beast was foretold to,
β¬ Trump is the late night call wish fulfillment center for Erdogan,
β¬ Trump is cheerfully respectful to bin Salman, Prince of terrorist HQ,
β¬ Trump is still not having a war with big bad nasty Iran, even after they got the last shot in by blowing up barracks resulting in American soldiers getting permant 'headaches' but at least they are 'no longer' blowing up Japanese freighters and Saudi oil fields so no one can laugh at Trump for riggging those Bay of Tonkining fakes,
π The Conclusion of our study:
β¬ We got the World's yugest cuck to have ever [dis]graced the White House!