No , WE cannot, since WE are not playing anything.
I presented facts, which you haven't disputed because they are, well, facts.
Speaking of facts, the Republican penchant for ballooning deficits is their own, all myths aside. Cutting taxes does not mean increased spending is not increased spending. To use this as an excuse to throw money at billionaire corporations is hilarious. Seriously, are we going to bailout the airline industry twice every decade now? Between their no peanuts, cramped seating, and Trump's tax cut, if they have no access to those the mega profits they've been drowning themselves in, then that's on them.
As per Capitalismm vs Evil Bernie USSRism, those that fail should be allowed to do so. Individuals have a safety net to fall to, and when their Unemployment Insurance runs out for those who qualify, they can proceed to do like other poor people and get on Welfare. At least they have comfortable homes instead of HUD housing.