Actually, the point is that the media parroting pro-China messages to the detriment of this country is beyond unethical. Some of their scripts mirror almost word for word press statements put out by the Chinese Communist party. Just as all the networks refused to name the alleged whistleblower, now the word has gone out to toe the corporate (as in 'We need Chinese money' line. NBC was particularly disgusting the other day. After Trump ripped their correspondent during a press conference, on their broadcast that night they showed the exchange, then immediately afterwards had a tribute to one of their sound men who had died from Covid19. The implication being that "Here's Trump being mean to us when we're dying in the trenches to cover theses important stories". Except in their online story, they noted the man had other serious health issues that contributed to the death, not just the virus. That's a despicable manipulation of the news.