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Oval Office

1,029 views 47 upvotes Made by anonymous 4 years ago in politics
Oval Office memeCaption this Meme
8 ups, 4y,
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4 ups, 4y
Chris Matthew Is An Idiot | OBAMA GAVE A SPEECH AND I FELT THIS THRILL GO UP MY LEG | image tagged in chris matthew is an idiot | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Yes, don't remember any other president get a Nobel peace prize for what they might do.
2 ups, 4y
Screaming Liberal  | But Hillary was supposed to wiiiiiiiiiiiin! | image tagged in screaming liberal | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y
No, the left hates Trump because he's an incompetent idiot. He's a child rapist, thief, liar, moron, asshole, one could literally write an entire book on what is wrong with that man oh and yes, I personally fear the power he wields much the same way I fear a toddler with a loaded gun
0 ups, 4y,
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I hate Donald Trump because he falsely believes that video games cause violence, blames video games for mass shootings, and being an anti-vaxxer who believes vaccines cause autism.
0 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
16. What about Trump blamed vaccines for autism?
4 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y,
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If we shouldn't treat the president like a God why do you worship Trump? People are afraid that he'll royally f*ck up this country. For instance, he spent the past month acting like the corona was no big deal. He held rallies, was shaking people's hands, going on air saying the flu kills more people. A MONTH. And now we find out a bunch of GOP senators held a meeting about the corona and two of them dumped their stocks on FEBRUARY 13. So, they all knew this thing was going to be bad and Trump downplayed it. It's always been a fear of how bad he was going to f*ck up this country. That's it Boomer. Power shmower. He gave it all to Putin, anyway.
2 ups, 4y,
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It's hilarious that you think Timber worships Trump. I know for a fact he doesn't. He just doesn't have TDS like you. These blind biases are what steers you wrong on your political outlook.
1 up, 4y,
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GMAB you're both so transparent. I've said all along if Trump would just do the right thing I'd get behind him. But he never does. Let's talk about the meeting the GOP senators had a month ago about the coronavirus which led two of them to commit insider trading and dump their stock. Meanwhile, Trump and Fox News were blathering on about how the flu is worse and it's just a liberal hoax trying to make Trump look bad. Trump knew long before he changed his rhetoric that this was a serious pandemic and he downplayed it. How many are going to die because his lack of leadership skills? How many will get this before it's over? I shudder to think.
2 ups, 4y
This is what I get when I talk to you seriously.
4 ups, 4y
"It's true cuz Panscrotum uses a Spock picture"
3 ups, 4y,
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Most democrats don’t even understand what’s in the constitution, much less respect it.
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2 ups, 4y
Muh deflection to Orange Man Bad.
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That’s funny, because from where I stand, I see most conservatives being a whole lot more comfortable with the notion of an “imperial presidency” these days under Trump than they were under Obama. On issue after issue, what once looked like principled opposition from the GOP now looks like hypocrisy.

Fiscal responsibility? National debt has exploded under Trump. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, the main GOP guy who cared about this stuff and had plans to fix it, has long since left the building.

Obama’s drone strikes on terrorists in various countries? Remember when Rand Paul stood up on the Senate floor and filibustered against that practice for a couple days?

Well: Trump looked at that, said “hold my beer,” and assassinated a high-ranking official of a sovereign country without a declaration of war, an AUMF or anything. Republicans, with few exceptions, cheered him all the way and instantly turned their fire on Democrats whom they accused of treason and more for daring to question this decision.

Your thesis is so out there may as well be from outer space.

Conservatives want to use the full power of the presidency to advance right-wing causes and “own the libs” first and foremost.

This idea of the GOP as a party truly committed to principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility died with Ron Paul’s failed presidential runs in ‘08 and ‘12 and and Rand Paul’s failed run in ‘16. Who won that last race? A constitutionally illiterate doofus who vowed to build a wall and lock up HRC.

If there were more folks like you in the GOP, then it might return to the principles that once attracted me to it. (Ironic, huh? We’re supposed to be mortal enemies!)

I realize you don’t claim to be a Republican yourself, but if you really and truly weren’t, then I feel like you’d be attacking the GOP a lot harder than you do over these issues.

Instead it’s “Leftist this, Leftist that” all day long.
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I love how all you leftists resort to righty memes incessantly. See the pic? THAT'S triggered. That's on you guys. Crying when Trump won. Screaming at people to drown out their voice. Pulling fire alarms when someone like Benji Shapiro speaks on campus. Antifa throwing piss bottles at veterans in wheelchairs. Demanding safe spaces and trigger warnings. Timber wouldn't yell in your face or try to suppress your 1st amendment right with threats of litigation, like someone we know.

Hopefully you'll mull this over.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
You know more users than I do. Pass this on when you see Kyliefan arguing with someone.

The best way to deal with Kyliefan is to ignore him. He craves attention, Take that away and he has nothing. He doesn't listen anyway, so it's pointless debating with him. Post a photo of Kylie Minogue, Downvote his comment and move on.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
If you want a bit of a chuckle, check his profile out. Look at when he joined and his amount of features.
1 up, 4y
KylieClown has no concept of reality
He thinks a few views and no votes on his Memes = A successful Meme
Zero comments on his Memes = A swarm by triggered conservatives
An overflowing notification box = Everyone is triggered.
He thinks users mocking him = Popularity.
He thinks his downvoted comments = He's winning a debate.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Will do, although even that gives him attention.
4 ups, 4y
Now Kylie, I've already explained what triggered looks like. That's irritation.
2 ups, 4y
The reason you lefties always stick your foot in your mouth while trying to use our insults against you is you fundamentally don't understand them and they don't apply. (usually)

Go and look at some vids of university brats freaking out over things. That's triggered. What I used to do to Jefftrel every day, that was triggered. I could hear him banging his computer desk and kicking the family cat.
1 up, 4y
You keep talking as if anyone cares what you say
2 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I actually knew you'd resort to this. The one example of sperging out compared to dozens and dozens of examples of antifa violence and overall violence and triggered snowflake behavior with example after example. Besides individual efforts, which both sides are guilty of. And by the way, those tiki torch bearing spergs harmed no one nor commited violence. Except to your delicate sensibilities.

Once again you resort to the lawyerly behavior that makes the average folk love the joke 'what's 10,000 lawyers on the bottom of the sea?'.

Hopefully you'll mull this over.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Extremist killings on the right vastly outnumber those on the left. In fact in the year 2018 there were 0 on the left and 50 on the right

Source: Infamous Left-Wing rag Business Insider

And 42 out of the 50 involved guns! Ouch

Hopefully you’ll mull this over.
3 ups, 4y
Hahaha, yeah, I looked into that at the time. Loose definition of 'right wing'. Nice try, come again. But Don Lemon believes you. Bwhahaha
2 ups, 4y
So let me get this straight, in all the mass murders (4 or more dead) in Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore, not ONE was committed by a left winger? Oh look, Antifa shooter kills 9 injures 17

And yes, loose definition of right wing.
0 ups, 4y
"Loose definition of right-wing"

Bullshit dude

But okay: let's just take the El Paso shooter.

"The suspected shooter, a white male, wrote a manifesto containing blatantly xenophobic language. The manifesto cited the 'invasion' of immigrants as the reason for the shooting, which left 20 people dead."

That's still 20 more bodies than all people on the Left that year
0 ups, 4y,
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“Objection: Asked and answered”

Hah! A lawyer term. Nice.

But if this were a real deposition, then I’d move to strike every single one of your replies here as non-responsive and get a judge on the line, or haul your ass into court to compel you to answer

Sadly I cannot do that here

In order for the “asked & answered“ objection to apply, you have to actually, you know, answer the question

Here it is again: What are the last 3 non-Leftist Presidents we’ve had?

Why are you spilling paragraphs and paragraphs dodging and deflecting and referring me to non-existent answers elsewhere rather than simply answer this basic question?

I suspect it is because you don’t want to go on record in front of all your conservative buddies admitting that you actually think Trump is a Leftist.

Or maybe you’re just scared of all the follow-up questions I have for you on this subject which we’re not getting to

But I’m just speculating here: Only you can answer that, but you won’t.
4 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y,
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You have given me no reason to accept anything you say
1 up, 4y,
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You've given Flip users multiple reason not to believe anything you say.

Look at how triggered you are, That comment wasn't even directed at you.
I wasn't talking to you.
And here you are... Whining about it.
0 ups, 4y
Is all you have done now for a dozen plus replies

You can start debating real issues at any point: nobody's stopping you

Crazy that I would think of replying to a meme that calls me out by name
1 up, 4y
It's all you're worth
Here you are crying about it.

You don't debate KylieClown, You repeat the same BS talking points on every Meme. You don't listen to anyone, So there's no point debating with you.
Now play the victim for the problem you created.

You had to dig through your downvoted comments, For a Meme that wasn't in your notification box. There was no indication I created that Meme other than you stalking my profile.

Keep struggling KylieClown
3 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y,
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And the survey says: Triggered and desperate for attention.
1 up, 4y,
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The low rated comment of course.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The best way to deal with Kyliefan is to ignore him. He craves attention, Take that away and he has nothing. He doesn't listen anyway, so it's pointless debating with him. Post a photo of Kylie Minogue, Downvote his comment and move on.
1 up, 4y,
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But it's funny dealing with him sorta.

Thing is, he plays the 'good guy' and tries to recruit newbs and other less prepared sorts to his cause which is a little toooooo party line precise to be not be paid shill. So it's suspect right there.
And in line with that it sounds fake. Even if I was agreeing with something he says, it's still irksome in its phoniness.
Plus he's so hypocritical, he would sound like a troll if not so unblinkingly humorless.

Then there's the underhanded sneaking around posts like the one I linked there. He submits meme comments to his streams in order to mock those who hurt his feels behind their backs. Some of us busted him on that enough to stop him from putting other memer's names in the title or tags.

And that's what I dislike about him the most. I can bop heads with someone till I sound like a punch drunk git, but at least I can respect them for going head to head with me.

You know about the KylieMinogueSUCKS stream already. Yeah, posting her bugs him so much he's threatened legal action, said he was going to contact Kylie's legal team and sue us and the site.
I also stick G-Man's mug on Kylie, he hates that. Also Mylie Cyrus's.
That's where the funny comes in.
0 ups, 4y
You know, having been subjected to chosanwan’s fact-free nonsense about me for a couple days on end this critique is starting to actually sound sensible!
2 ups, 4y,
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How's the lawsuit against Imgflip going?
2 ups, 4y,
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That meme from this week, there was so much I couldn't catch up, so never got to read it all or respond.
Sucks, because I really wanted to.
2 ups, 4y,
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The deleted one?
2 ups, 4y,
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I think it was still going on today, for sure yesterday. Really long, towards the lower part was a whole mess of Kyle bs, including the "libel" nonsense.

Don't tell me it's gone.
2 ups, 4y,
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The one I'm thinking about he probably deleted a week ago so I don't know. Olympian mentioned it.
1 up, 4y,
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It was this past week, front page a couple of days or so.
0 ups, 4y
I don’t even remember what this is about

Anyway: Murder is murder even if the killer is never found or prosecuted

Similarly, libel is libel even if Kylie never shows up here to enforce her rights

I can only assume at this point that she’s decided all this is beneath her and she doesn’t care

But ImgFlip should, both for liability purposes and because the content is TOS-violating misogynistic trash
3 ups, 4y,
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If imgflip cared about libel, they would have shut down the TDS retards long ago.
2 ups, 4y,
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Some people pretending to be lawyers still don't know the definition of libel.

The stream is still up because it doesn't violate Imgflips TOS.

It's alleged libel, Fake lawyer. 1st year law students learn that.

You said it's beneath Kylie.You have no evidence to back up your claim. That is your opinion. Opinion isn't fact.
My opinion, Kylie would cringe at the way you objectify her.

misogynistic trash. Your garbage Memes objectifying a woman that has no relevance to the topic in the debate or the Op's Meme.
You're a hypocrite creating misogynistic trash.
0 ups, 4y,
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Which means may find pictures of all sorts of things including women. Including gorgeous women!

But now: You’ve seen that dumpster fire of a hate stream

(You still have not looked up the definition of libel, let alone read the case law on it, and you aren’t going to)

So: let me just pose you a thought puzzle for you to work out on your own

If that disgusting trash is not libel, then what the hell is?
0 ups, 4y
Keep trying to spin your lying narrative.
You can't Meme, So you use Kylie as a prop. She is irrelevant to the topics you use her for. Fact.

"Gorgeous women" is subjective to each individual. You fail once again.

When did I say I saw the stream, Fake lawyer.

Dumpster fire is a derogatory term fake lawyer. You're using opinion not fact.
Hate is a feeling, Your little feelings were hurt, That isn't a crime. Fact.

Libel has to be proven, fake lawyer. All you've proven is you're a whiny arrogant douche bag.

Your Memes are misogynistic trash. Your whiny argument never said disgusting. Once again you attempt and fail to change the narrative to fit your biased opinion.

You didn't mention violating Imgflip's TOS because it doesn't. Fact.

You have no evidence,Fake lawyer. Feelings and Opinions are inadmissible.

Case dismissed.
2 ups, 4y,
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And some people don't understand a meme site. I'll go with the opinion no one has been sued successfully for a meme. You hang out on that ledge tho. Good luck !
0 ups, 4y
Memes are no different than any other type of publication. And memes are modern culture

First time for everything
2 ups, 4y,
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Sue this lip suctioned EminEnema [see what I did there?] in the making, Vanilla Ice Ice Crybaby.
1 up, 4y,
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I can't stop laughing,,,
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I'm always happy to engage in a fact-based discussion with anyone

But few here are capable of it

Spit some facts gramps
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1 up, 4y
You're lying... Again. You're dismissive of anyone who disagrees with you. You're an arrogant obnoxious little man and a fraud.

But few here are capable of it. You proved my point.

Your feelings, Opinions, And copied and pasted arguments aren't facts. Deflection and Whataboutism are your tools.
Not a boomer, But don't let that stop you from lying, It's why you have no credibility.
1 up, 4y
The best way to deal with Kyliefan is to ignore him. He craves attention, Take that away and he has nothing. He doesn't listen anyway, so it's pointless debating with him. Post a photo of Kylie Minogue, Downvote his comment and move on.
1 up, 4y
Do they have you on lockdown at the old folks home, or something? You're acting a little stir-crazy. Do we need to call for a wellness check?
4 ups, 4y,
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It'd be easier if you just answered my questions instead of resorting to paragraphs of whining and deflection
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"That's an awfully hot coffee pot" proves you wrong. As usual the Trump curse strikes again.
0 ups, 4y
"awfully hot coffee pot"

quadruple assonance right there

actually dope
2 ups, 4y,
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A African American, How racist of you.
1 up, 4y,
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Yep, There are millions of photos you could have chosen, Including your garage Kylie photos you constantly use, You choose that one because you're a racist douche bag,
You used him as a prop the same way you use Kylie Minogue as a prop in your garbage Memes.
1 up, 4y,
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Washington Ave, Bx 10458.. Ring any bells, homestyle stuff?
Lorillard Pl, also Bx 10458, 2 streets away from Wash. Lived there.

Don't pretend to tell ME about that shitty crap that unfortunately was spawned in my hood, homestyle stuff. Yu b frontin, or whatever these idiots say nowadays.

0 ups, 4y
in my hood, homie*
1 up, 4y,
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Stick to Eminem, he's a faker just like you.
3 ups, 4y,
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Trump, George Bush, Reagan (?)
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The narcissistic demanding answers.

I'm still waiting for you to answer my simple questions a child could answer from two weeks ago.
1 up, 4y,
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You're a liar, You couldn't answer the questions. You hid behind a BS excuse.
You didn't want to dig through your downvoted comments. You didn't want to face the reality no one likes your arrogant obnoxious ass.

I'm done debating your lying arrogant ass, You don't debate, You deflect, Use whataboutism and condescending comments to prop up your copied and pasted arguments.
You limp onto every Meme begging for attention, You ignore everything anyone
says, You make an ass of yourself, Your comments get downvoted . You crawl off the Meme thinking you're superior, You limp onto the next Meme that triggers you. Rinse repeat ad nauseam.

I'll own your sorry ass the way users asked me to own you.
1 up, 4y,
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I remember exactly what I asked, I remember your bullshit excuse for not answering as well. Here you are weeks later still thinking you won that debate. Still trying to hide behind the same bullshit you constantly use.

Nothing you say is important, That's exactly why your comments are downvoted.
You're too arrogant to figure it out.
0 ups, 4y
Blah blah blah

If you have something to ask go ahead
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2 ups, 4y
KylieClown will never learn, He's too obnoxious and arrogant. He's dismissive of everyone who debates against him.

He is a liar, I've proven more times than I can count.

He uses Imgflip to beg for attention, The best way to deal with him is downvote his comments and move on. It's not like he listens to anyone anyway.

Take away what he needs most, He'll stick to his garbage Memes he creates in the safe space stream.
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Yeah, Cowboy Reagan invaded Grenada and he also bombed 2 of Qaddafi's camels one night.

Oh, and he answered this last night.
0 ups, 4y
Was a thing too

The most remarkable thing looking back on this scandal was Reagan actually acknowledged and apologized for it

Reagan and Nixon both actually are looking a lot better in hindsight
0 ups, 4y,
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Bullshit, he already told you last night.
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Okay what was the answer
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0 ups, 4y
What was the answer
3 ups, 4y,
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That's funny, Because what you think or feel from where you stand isn't facts.

You struggle with that on every Meme you limp onto.
3 ups, 4y,
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Keep telling yourself that as you dodge questions a child could answer, Post links to biased sites, Copy and paste other peoples arguments and have your comments constantly downvoted.
2 ups, 4y
Still bringing nothing but REE REE REE

You cry yourself to sleep
2 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y
Deflection , Whataboutism, Copied and pasted arguments, Biased links and arrogance is all KylieClown has.
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