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DennisHuff (5195)
Joined 2020-05-10
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The Sign in fun
0 ups, 4y
No, the only reason it is 666 is because it was translated wrong. Don't rely on wikipedia for your information. It's just parroting what everyone else has been told since the wrong translation. It is 616 and always has been. But it doesn't matter anyway, it's all fictional bullshit that brainwashed children continue to buy into, grow up and brainwash their children with.
regressives in politics
1 up, 5y
Love how regressive are shocked by the violence in cities, the most heavily populated and diverse places in the country. Just goes to show how brain dead regressives like you are. I guess you ignore all the right-wing domesitc terrorism the crazies on the far right are responsible for in this nation. The latest regressive loon just killed a judge's son and shot her husband.
right wing terrorists in politics
0 ups, 5y
No, they're only going around murdering people. Right wing terrorism is alive and well in the US
Obama'sFault in politics
0 ups, 5y
Could be, but have you ever watched the video of Trump that night when Obama was ribbing him? You could tell he was seething, smiling, but seething mad.
gross in fun
0 ups, 5y
So weird, comments keep popping up on my memes but nothing ever seems to show up... huh... got myself a real mystery here lol