My daughter was in the hospital having her daughter, during the Swine Flu outbreak. She showed symptoms, after giving birth. She was isolated and tested. I would call this an appropriate response to the problem. It cost her one day of her life in quarantine, and her insurance company one day of hospital costs. Since you bring up mortality, the garden variety flus we get each year have a mortality rate of about 0.1%. The Swine Flu had a mortality rate of 0.02%. The current mortality rate of the Cornoavirus, worldwide is 3.4%. Shifting focus from the actions, or inactions of the current president to a past president will not keep the Coronavirus in the U.S. from reaching the 4.9% experienced in Wuhan Province. The people working on the team headed by Vice-President Pence have the lowest possible infection rates and death rates possible, as goals. I hope we all hope they are successful, no matter how nonsensical the president is acting. In the end we will all know the truth about the Coronavirus, as much as we know about the Swine Flu. Some will accept the truth. Others will still see this as some sort of a "hoax," rather than a challenge to our system and its leaders.