Where'd you hear that?
They did their fake impeachment play, they're done. Now Dictator Don gets to step it up a notch or so and the poow widdle Demziez are hewpwess, boo hoo.
TRUMP was the one who introduced the Russian collusion bit into the investigation mix by denying he did it before he was ever accused of such. They were investigating Russian meddling, which they found. The lines the MAGAts spew daily on this very site are IRA ops happening right this minute, or did you think the "your side" just coincidentally come up with identical memes every day because grate minds stink alike and all that, huh?
Heck, not just them, we know China and Iran are going to get in on it, to the point of possibly all 3 hacking the election itself. Moscow Mitch torpedoed bills for basic safety measures. What idiot do you think thought of apps to report tallies? HINT: None. They were BOUGHT.
And now that Trump got greenlighted, any charges that those countries are doing it will be met with "fake newz, why u hatin on Trump?" It's beautiful: Get cleared of a crime you accuse yourself of, then that discredited accusation becomes your alibi while you go do it some more.
See, the thing Trumpites fail to realize is that maybe, just maybe they might be right. Yes, some of the lies ARE truth. There IS a Deep State, and it ain't Hillary Mueller Pelosi and now Schiff and whatever name gets nailed to that cross tomorrow. Y'all are being played, and you are singing that tune oh so fabulously.